Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year can be done using the form below. Parents enrolling children, please complete the form online. To secure the child’s spot in a class, a non-refundable fee of $75 is required at the time of enrollment.

Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year is open! We currently have spaces available in our 2YO, 3YO and 4YO classes. If classes are full it is stated on the website, you can pick your second option for class and your child will be placed on your preferred waitlist should openings become available. To be eligible for enrollment, children must be the class age by August 31.

Open spots are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Children are placed on a waiting list should openings become available.


What happens after I enroll my child?

Once enrollment form has been received and processed, you will receive a confirmation email with details and actions required.

What happens if my child is waitlisted?

You will receive confirmation that your child is on the waitlist and you will be contacted as soon as a space becomes available.

How do I know which class I should register my child for?

Your child must be the age of the class by August 31st of the school year.

When is payment due?

Tuition can be paid in full at the beginning of the school year (5% discount) or monthly. For those paying monthly, tuition is due by the 15th of the month for the following month. (Example: September tuition is due in by August 15)

Is there a prepayment discount?

Yes, there is a 5% discount if tuition is paid in full by August 15th of the coming school year.

Is there a sibling discount?

Yes, families can receive 10% off the lower tuition cost.

Must our family attend Christ’s Church of the Valley (CCV) to attend Providence?

No, it is not required for you to attend CCV.

Does my child need to be potty trained?

Children in our 2YO and 3YO classes are not required to be potty trained, but we do ask that you are actively working with your child on potty training before the start of school. For those not potty trained, it is expected to send in pull-ups with your child.  We will do our best to support parents and ask parents to support us as well.

Does my child need to speak English?

No, however if you are a bilingual household, we ask that you are talking with them about going to school and what they will be doing so they aren’t scared when they are dropped off – especially if they don’t speak English.